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Looking for a friend with benefits. Love to squirt and hope you can handle these curves. I have a boyfriend so I m not trying to be in nun serious.

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When trying to get to know someone through casual dating, consider asking questions like "What are your hobbies or interests?" to learn about their passions, "What do you value in a relationship?" to understand their perspective on love, and "What's a memorable experience you've had recently?" to uncover their personality and life experiences. These questions can help foster meaningful conversations and potential connection between you and your date.


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I stay in Oakland these days. Looking for a gentleman to hang out. If you re in thy city don t leave me bored. Text me. I m up all night

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Casual dating or relationships should be approached with open communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries. It's important to establish clear expectations from the beginning to avoid misunderstandings later on. Keeping things light and fun without putting pressure on the other person is key in a casual relationship. Remember to prioritize your own well-being and emotions, and be prepared to have a conversation if feelings start to evolve. Ultimately, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself and the time spent with the other person.


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A casual relationship on dating sites typically involves a non-committal, relaxed connection between two individuals who are looking for companionship, fun, or physical intimacy without the expectation of a serious commitment or long-term partnership. It usually involves spending time together, going on dates, and engaging in activities without the pressure of defining the relationship or making long-term plans. Communication and setting clear boundaries are essential in ensuring that both parties are on the same page about the nature of the relationship.


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"Something casual" on a dating site typically refers to a relationship or interaction without long-term commitment or strings attached. It suggests a more relaxed and informal connection, which may involve dating, hanging out, or engaging in casual activities without necessarily leading to a serious relationship. It's important to clarify with potential matches what each person is looking for to ensure both parties are on the same page.


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This place has become a total snooze-fest. Not a single post from an actual real chick There is only the popo trying to trap guys looking for sex, and scammers trying to cheat you out of your cash left on this board There is just one hookup community left that has not been ruined by cheaters or the …

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On a dating site, something casual typically refers to a relationship or interaction that is more focused on fun, light-hearted moments, and companionship without the expectation of a serious commitment or long-term partnership. It could involve casual dates, hanging out, and getting to know each other without the pressure of defining the relationship or making any major commitments. Those interested in something casual on a dating site may be looking for a relaxed and enjoyable connection without the pressure and intensity that often comes with more serious romantic relationships.


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On Reddit, you can browse subreddits like r/dating_advice, r/relationships, or even r/casualdating for tips, stories, and discussions about casual dating. Be mindful of rules and guidelines within each subreddit, and consider creating a throwaway account to maintain anonymity if needed. Engaging in meaningful conversations, sharing experiences, and seeking advice from fellow Redditors can help navigate the world of casual dating with different perspectives and insights. Remember to always prioritize your safety and well-being when meeting potential partners.


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When casually dating, it's important to ask questions that can help deepen your understanding of the other person without being too intrusive. Some suggested questions could be: What are your hobbies or interests? What do you like to do for fun in your free time? Do you have any favorite spots in the city you enjoy visiting? What are your long-term goals or aspirations? And, what is something that always makes you smile or laugh? These questions can help establish common ground and lead to more meaningful conversations while keeping things light and casual.


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When it comes to casual dating etiquette, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your intentions and expectations. Be respectful of their time and feelings, and be clear about what you're looking for in the relationship. Remember to treat each other with kindness, honesty, and consideration, even if the relationship isn't meant to be long-term. And most importantly, make sure to always prioritize consent and mutual respect in all interactions.


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